Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Some people are settling down, some people are settling, and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies.

It boggles my mind when people detest Sex and the City.

Furthermore, 90% of life/relationship situations can be directly related to this series.

Get over SJP's face resembling a shoe, already!

P.S. I'm oddly excited for Dave's Cancer Party/Prom thing. I never went to Prom and I think it could either be a really awkward time, or a really good time. Each of those options I am okay with.

P.P.S. If I spent every day of the rest of this nice Buffalo weather on top of my roof drinking homemade Sangria, I'd die happy. Really fucking happy.

"The only one who should have to pay for a bad relationship.. is the person in your next relationship."


MJN said...

Lets make an evening out of the sex and the city movie when it comes out.

One for the road. said...

I totally support this!