Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I was depressingly correct, sobbing myself into a deep slumber in absence of Marley's abundant fur and limitless love is not even remotely fun.

I miss the warmth, the forever brown eyes, the rough and scratchy tongue doing its best to gingerly lick my tears away.

A gigantic heart covered in fur is what he is. How did I get so incredibly lucky to know such a creature?


MJN said...

This post made me cry a little because it's everything I'm having to feel and go through without Shooter.
He was my most loyal friend and care giver.
I miss him every day and the thought of him being those things for some other girl now kills me.

It's funny how aware they are, when you're down. How they know exactly when they are needed.

Anonymous said...

You can walk over whenever you want and roxy would love to sit and chat with you. She grunts... to talk. its really funny. But really, if you ever want doggie time(and i can also make you food)- i'm only 5 minutes away

One for the road. said...

MJ - yess. When Dave was sick, Marley crawled into bed with me.. he literally put his paws around me and licked my tears away the whole night. I'll never feel love like that from anything else, ya know. I feel your pain, woman.

Sara - I totally appreciate this. Seeing Roxy and the puggle today made my day. Thanks for letting me go on walks! I think I will take you up on this offer many, many times.