Sunday, March 15, 2009

I've had ants in my pants since I've cemented plans for Boston. I can't wait to get the hell out of Buffalo (and it's been quite some time since I've mulled that idea over in my head and actually meant it). After receiving a very mom-esque pep talk from Steph, I made a few arrangements at school and I am two classes away from an Art Therapy degree. Fuck yes. Plus, there is a really good Art Therapy Graduate school in Boston. Finally, all the little cracks are mending and the holes in my life are filling up with good things. I can't say everything is perfect, but everything is far from awful and that's just the way I like it.

My dad came up for the weekend and it was the first time I've seen him genuinely smile in forever. I had so much fun with him Friday night. Seeing him interact with Joe and my good friends, my Buffalo family, was heartwarming and I'm very grateful for that. Plus, having him respond to every question with ".. Because I'm Tony, the most funnest mother fucker to walk this earth" was a goddamn riot.

I'm so so so sleepy, but haven't slept for a consecutive 8 hours in awhile. Hopefully tonight!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Trisha! I'm so proud of you!! A phone date is in order to discuss this visit of yours.
