Sunday, January 25, 2009

I just have to get a few things off my chest..

I really like Obama. Not just that he looks good in a bathing suit, but I also like his views and what a busy little bee he has been these last few days.

And I was watching Channel 7 News (don't judge, my Channel 4 comes in scrambled) and what the fuck is up with all these anti-abortion protesters? I mean, don't get me wrong.. everyone has the "right" to an opinion.. but MEN protesting to have a choice on WOMEN'S rights pertaining to their own vagina-booby-female bodies? Get a fucking life, dude. Actually, worry about your wiener and what your probably really oppressed housewife is going to make you for dinner.

I'm usually pretty open-minded about things, but I just don't get it.. I don't get how people can whine whine whine and put so much energy into something they've probably never had to deal with. Why don't they try "going green" or something more constructive?


For the last 3 days I've felt like I was dying. Debilitating migraines that leave me hallucinating and bed-ridden suck. It was nice to have Joe come and take care of me and I can honestly say I've missed him. I am sick of holding grudges. If I held a grudge against everyone that has ever hurt me, I'd probably have.. hmm.. maybe 2 friends?

First day of school tomorrow.. weeee! (kind of)

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